

Hello, Friends today we're going to build our first webpage in HTML. So let's get started To begin, open notepad and save the file with any name you want, as long as it ends with .html. Example :  myFirstWebpage.html So we're all set to begin the key coding.  As previously mentioned, every html document starts and ends with html element and everything else goes in between them. <html> </html> then after opening<html> tag we will add head element <html>          <head>          </head> </html> Inside the head element, we will include a title element to set the title of our web page you can give any name (website's name or name related to page) inside title element it will be shown in the browser's title bar. <html>          <head>                    <title>My First Page</title>  ...

html, head, body elements

  Hello, today we're going to learn about HTML tags. The <html>, <head>, and <body> tags are used to establish the document's overall structure. First and foremost, <!DOCTYPE html> : It is the abbreviation of Document Type declaration. This tag provides information about the type and version of HTML. If you skip or miss adding this tag, it will be added dynamically by the browser. You can write it as <!doctype html> since it is not case sensitive. <html> :  All html tags are enclosed inside the opening <html> and closing </html> tag. This tag indicates that every tag inside the opening <html> and closing </html> tag is a html element. <body> : The content we want to display is written inside the body tag. Everything between opening<body> and closing</body> tag will be shown on the main window browser. <head> : The position of the head element is between the opening html and opening body ta...


Hypertext Markup Language  or commonly abbreviated as HTML is the Standard Markup Language for developing or structuring web pages. HTML have different tags for different purposes like <h1> tag is used for creating heading, <p> tag is used for creating paragraph, <div> tag used for creating different divisions within the webpage and so on. To use them you have to write them like “<tag_name>” also you have to close them using “/” like “</tag_name>”. HTML tags structure                          <html>     <head>         <title>Title of page </title>     </head>     <body>         <h1> Hello World :) </h1>     </body> </html> this is basic building block of HTML We will look into each tag in the next post stay tuned 😄